Ongoing content marketing and design services in support of various projects, including copywriting, design and production, book development and promotion, SME interview facilitation, social media campaigns, and workflow strategy.
Caples Jefferson Architects is a long-time client of almost two decades.
Our role has changed over the years in response to CJA’s evolving needs. Routine work has involved design and production, content marketing writing (articles, case studies, awards), social media strategy and content creation, proposal writing, and content workflow set-up.
CJA is an exceptionally accomplished architectural practice, with a focus on design for the public realm and an emphasis on cultural, educational, and institutional projects. The boutique firm, a provider of bespoke services, was awarded AIA NYS Firm of the Year and the AIA NYS President’s Award.
In recent years, we’ve collaborated with CJA on nonfiction book development and promotion projects.
Many Voices: Architecture for Social Equity (Caples, Sara and Jefferson, Everardo, RIBA Publishing, 2022)
Concept theme development
Copywriting and editing
Guest authors interview facilitation services
Social media promotion
Harlem: Mart 125 (Rose, Jonathan…, Yale School of Architecture, 2018)
Copywriting and editing
Guest author interview facilitation services
US Architecture Record Books, DOS Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations (for public and private consumption, on behalf of the US Department of State)
Design and production
Workflow strategy, set-up, and management
Our workflow strategy for the development and production of the DOS record books was efficient and cost-effective. We considered the large team of consulting expert contributors, as well as the agency’s demanding schedule and protocols, and identified a system for optimized working conditions.
The project involved ## contributing expert consultants and resulted in the creation of ## books, averaging ### pages each.
In conjunction with book concept development, we created a structured plan outlining specific steps and tasks that team members needed to follow to create, publish, and distribute the high-quality content consistently.
The project was successful, because we leveraged the right automation tools and preserved scalability.
With so many moving parts, our primary objective was to prevent an individual team member from working in a vacuum, which inevitably leads to the siloing of content creation.
We typically employ multiple workflow tools and techniques.
• Visual flowcharts
• Collaborative document creation
• Open communication processes
• Post-production checklists for accessibility compliance