The cross-platform, strategic campaign targeted multiple audiences, from the brokers managing the property acquisitions to future tenants and building owners. High open rates (54+%) and click through rates (20+%) are demonstrative of a tactically oriented engagement process.
The full campaign included targeted email marketing, plus a longform published article and social media posts targeting both facilitator and end-user.
ThinkForward Financial is the rare independent municipal financial advisory focused on building long-term client relationships. The mission-driven organizations and nonprofits serviced by our client benefit from regular educational content marketing and consistent brand messaging.
Tax credits and economic development incentives are part of a comprehensive approach to capital project financing. For this targeted campaign, we equipped real estate consultants and brokers with a helpful tool to advocate for ThinkForward.
Often an indirect approach is a win-win scenario for everyone, as the property or business owner experiences everyone as helpful when a professional service consultant provides useful information outside their service area.